Unknown Unknown Author
Title: Angina attack and first aid
Author: Unknown
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Angina is a kind of chest pain that an individual gets when the arteries carrying blood to the heart muscle become narrowed. This res...

Angina is a kind of chest pain that an individual gets when the arteries carrying blood to the heart muscle become narrowed.

This restricts the blood supply to the heart
and causes pain.
This is called an angina attack.

Angina attacks are usually brought on by physical exertion
stress or excitement.

But if someone has unstable angina
then attacks can be unpredictable with no obvious triggers.

Angina on its own is not life-threatening but
someone who suffers from it is at far greater risk of having
life-threatening problems like a heart attack or stroke.

If they rest and take their own medication
the pain should only last a few minutes.

If the pain lasts longer then start treating them for a heart attack.

If you think someone might be having an angina attack,
there are four key signs to look for:
pain in the chest, which may spread to the jaw and arms,
shortness of breath,
sudden and extreme tiredness and feelings of anxiety.

If someone is having an angina attack:

advise them to stop what they're doing
and get them to rest in a comfortable position.

if they have medication, they should take it.
If the pain lasts more than five minutes,
they can take a second dose.

If they're still in pain after 15 minutes then you should call for an ambulance.
If they don't have any angina medication,
and the pain doesn't go away with rest, then call for an ambulance immediately.

If the pain goes away completely
within 15 minutes after rest or medication
they should usually be able to go back to what they were doing
before the attack, if it's not too strenuous.

If they're worried about the attack, they should seek medical advice.
So remember: when someone is having an angina attack,
help them to sit down and rest
Help them to take their medication if they have some
and call an ambulance if they don't.

If it doesn't get any better within five minutes
take a second dose.

If it doesn't get any better after another five minutes,
call for an ambulance.

And that's how you treat an angina attack.

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