Unknown Unknown Author
Title: Pistachios- benefits of dry fruit for health and beauty-Prevent heart diseases:
Author: Unknown
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Pistachios-Dry Fruits-Protect your skin agianst UV rays: Nutritional facts: Pistachios are  powerhouse have nutrients full of vitamins...

Pistachios-Dry Fruits-Protect your skin agianst UV rays:

Nutritional facts:

Pistachios are  powerhouse have nutrients
full of vitamins, they provide your body with fibers and protein.

Skin care-Beauty:

 Pistachios protect your skin agianst ultra voilet rays
 premature aging & skin cancer to pistachios oil has
defaulted properties which basically means
that they help smoother and your skin
they also contain paranoid duty in and the event then
which are rarely found in nuts
besides this to pistachios also contain antioxidants which
neutralized the free radicals thus preventing aging

Health benefits:

 Pistachios help state the life blood sugar help indigestion prevent heart disease it's  & skin cancer  and provide your body with fibers and protein.

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